Transformational community

In fall 2007, a community in the small town of Hepburn, Sask., began to shape my life. I was a first-year student at Bethany College, a place of profound formation and development for me as a disciple of Jesus. The place captured my heart with an all-encompassing, life-altering, horizon-expanding revelation of the depth and breadth… Continue reading Transformational community

Sample Blog Post

Hey there just posting a blog sample post! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra orci. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Vitae justo eget magna fermentum iaculis eu non diam. Id semper… Continue reading Sample Blog Post

The ups, downs and crux of preaching

PHOTO: Kristi Lee

It is clear that Jeff Bucknam has mastered the art of presence in the pulpit. This presentation on the role of biblical preaching as an element of effective discipleship through boldness, deeper application, and Christ-centredness was clear and engaging.

Present in suffering

Pastoral Care as Discipleship through Life’s Challenges Gloria Woodland By Jacquie Block I approached this workshop with a sense that its content and delivery would be quite profound; Gloria did not disappoint. Her words were so rich, true and helpful that any attempt to summarize them would not do justice. So, I am intentionally not… Continue reading Present in suffering

Disciples of the Light

A couple of weeks back, I met a young Leo Tolstoy. In Saskatchewan. This surprised me. Not because he had no beard, or that he was still alive. What surprised me was that he was a thoughtful, Canadian Millennial, who, like the great Russian thinker, rejected any Christian understanding of the person and work of… Continue reading Disciples of the Light

Can a joyful noise “make” disciples?

“How does our singing help us be apprentices of Jesus?” Andrew Dyck asked. Many have never thought about it as a tool in that way, but singing is our most enduring spiritual practice, he said. (And he’s got a PhD thesis worth of research to support his assertion.)

A gospel that could change the world

I had the privilege of attending the Thursday plenary sessions with some students from Columbia Bible College as part of a course I teach. I was curious to hear how they experienced the session as they were stepping into the conference mid-stream. And considering how the conference has so far presented attendees with a diverse range of approaches to discipleship in the context of the local church, I wondered, “Will Bible College students resonate with the session?”

The healing work of discipleship

Ken Dyck PHOTO Carson Samson

Anyone who spent a fair amount of time in discipleship ministry, both as a disciple or someone who receives mentoring, would testify the process is often messy and heart-wrenching. It is messy for our brokenness travels alongside us as unwanted baggage. The agony of relapses and habitual sins are the source of many agonizing moments we rather regret.

What are you hiding?

“What are you hiding?” These words were how Jeremy Walker decided to begin his talk on Knowing and being Known: Discipleship and Millennials. This question quickly struck a nerve in me as I began to recall a few of the least honourable moments of my past.

A 30,000 ft view on discipleship

PHOTO: Kristi Lee

In his letter to the Colossian church, the apostle Paul expressed his mission with these words: “Christ in you, the hope of glory… is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:27–28 NIV).